A good time was had by all!
I consumed quite a bit of C-NIP yesterday. I want my loyal supporters to know that while I may have over-indulged, my judgment was not impaired at any time. I also want m loyal supporters to know that I limit my consumption of C-NIP and am basically a very sober feline. I must also admit that when I do over-indulge I have a tendency to be a little grumpy and take it out on Rumsfeld (who deserves ever clawmark).
Oh - my aching head!
If that dog comes near me today I swear it isn't going to be pretty!
Until later....
Does anyone have a cat treat?
Uh oh - was it too terrific of a party??? Hope you feel better soon!
Purrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Hmmmm - owr Dad is curious as to what yur platform is and needs more input.
wow, that does look like a terrific party. I'm sorry I missed it. I like your list of promises (especially about Rumsfield and the moon!)
Hey, we all overindulge sometimes, it is unreasonable to expect our leaders to be immune to the draw of catnip. mmmmmmmmmmm catnip mmmm catnippy goodness............
It does look like someone (any ideas?) could be working with the National Enquirer...
PS a very happy belated birthday to you Doc Holiday! Here is to many many more.
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