Doc Holiday the Cat will be "35" in cat years on Thursday and qualified to be the President of the United States. She is considering a 'fact finding' look-see to ascertain if she might want to consider a run for the GOP POTUS nomination.
Doc Holiday the Cat will be 7 years old on August 30. If she does consider the possibility of considering a run Doc assures me she will be dedicating her candidacy to the memory of her beloved twin sister, the late, and very beautiful GeorgieW.

Doc Holiday is a strong believer in family values and is shown here with her year old niece, Little Joe Cartwright. While Doc has no children of her own, she has taken an active role in raising not only Little Joe and her brother, Bat Masterson, but Doc also raised their mother, Mommy Cat. Mommy Cat is divorced from the birth father of Little Joe and Bat Masterson, and is currently married to Ronald Rumsfeld Reagan Reidhead. It is mixed marriage. Rumsfeld is a toy poodle. Doc presides over this large and busy household, but feels it is important to take time from her home and her activities to run for President of the United States of America as a Republican Cat. Doc Holiday the Cat will be 7 years old on August 30. If she does consider the possibility of considering a run Doc assures me she will be dedicating her candidacy to the memory of her beloved twin sister, the late, and very beautiful GeorgieW.
DOC HOLIDAY will be running as a moderately liberal conservative Republican on a platform of Cat's Rights. Her positions will be announced as soon as she has them. Currently, Doc is in the process of celebrating her birthday and is suffering from an over-indulgence of c-nip. She wants everyone to know that catnip is a purrfectly legal substance. While she advocates free-usage of c-nip, she wants her loyal supporters to know that she is not in the habit of over-indulgence.

You may wish to contact Skeezix about participating in the debates. Skittles, Cato and Cheysuli will be debating coming up here soon. Chey will be gone the next two weekends though so it won't be right away.
Cheysuli has been running for president for the Felines For Total World Domination for about a year now and has a lot of support.
Hi Doc, it's nice to meet you! Wow, another cat running for president. AWSOME!!!!!
come and visit us when you get a chance.
Well hello Doc. Welcome to our cat blogging community. Stop over & see us.
George, Tipper, Max & Misty
The Crew
Hi Doc Holiday, it is very nice to meet you! Yay another Cat running for President. Cats Rule!! Stop by for a visit!!
Your FL furiends,
I want to thank every one of you for leaving a comment. I wish I could contact each one of you individually, but time doesn't permit it. I also would like permission to link to each one of you.
Doc Holiday
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