You have reached personal blog of Doc Holiday
Currently I am busy anticipating the possibility of considering a consideration for the possibility of running for President of the United States.
I am not available today.
Okay, I'm napping.
Do you think I can keep up this frantic pace all the time?
I'm a cat. We nap. The thing cats do best is nap. Deal with it.
When I am President of the United States of America I swear by all that is purrfectly holy that no Feline - Americans will be forced to go napless. I also promise a that all Feline - Americans will have 20 hour nap days, no exceptions.
Gotta go .... yawn...
How about 20 hr NIP days?
A 20 hour nap day. That sounds good to me!
Have you notified the Cat Blogosphere that you're a candidate?
Max S
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